Thursday, July 19, 2007

Stress Relievers

Last night, as I was preparing to write my blog, a storm blew up and our area was under a tornado warning --- which means a tornado has been sighted in the area. Well, as a child, I remember the "Palm Sunday" tornado which passed through a neighboring community and the widespread devastation in it's wake. So...since then I have become highly stress when these warnings, complete with air sirens blaring in our community, are issued. Luckily, some friends (who live in homes without a basement) stopped by to storm watch on TV and on the front and back porch. Only our geckos spent a couple of hours in the basement - the cat and her 4 kittens, and the dog remained upstairs with us and oblivious of the ominous storm.

What works for me in a stressful situation:

1. Breathe deeply. Next time you are stressed, take a moment to NOTICE if your breathing is shallow. Breathe in, through your nose for 5 counts, and hold that breath for 4 counts. Exhale through your mouth for 4 counts. Repeat 2-3 times and whenever you feel yourself breathing shallow and tensing up. (Try not to breathe in through your mouth because it activates the flight/fright reaction in your body.)

2. Monitor your thoughts. What exactly is going through your mind? Last night, was I thinking of Dorthy's house in the Wizard of Oz, my house spinning in the air...or being swept away by the tornado that was near? NO. Remind yourself to choose another thought. I decided not to let my thoughts spiral into the horrors of "what if." I decided to stay alert and aware of the weather conditions, review if I had done all I could to prepare, (ex. flashlights, radio) and then stay relaxed. All my worrying would have absolutely no effect on the weather outcome.

3. Be grateful for all you have, family, home, job, health - - - just keep going with all the things you can think of that you are grateful for, it is calming.

Good luck de-stressing! The breathing exercises are great every day - don't just wait for a tornado bearing down on your area to breathe and relax!


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