Sunday, July 22, 2007


Whatever you call it - gratitude, appreciation, thankfulness...just participate! Be grateful for what you have, where you live, the wonderful people in your life, your car, your beautiful yard...keep the list going. When you have a spare moment in traffic, rather than getting upset and crabbing about traffic, be grateful for your car and what is around you, the sky, the trees, the beautiful music on your get the picture. Remember, what you give your attention to is what you attract. If you are constantly complaining and noticing the negative and lack in your life - guess what you are going to get more of...don't go there! Make sure your glass is half full, not half empty. So, this week when you are standing in line, on "hold", waiting for an appointment, take your thoughts into the gratitude gear and see what happens in the rest of your life!!!


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