Sunday, July 1, 2007

Think...ORGANIC Lawn Service

"Until man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his co-called scientific knowledge."
- Thomas Edison

Lawns...if you think about it, lawns without weeds - - - not natural. Through chemical management, we have made them the 'norm'.

Anyway, you might want to re-think that chemical lawn service you have employed, and change to an organic lawn service.

  • the average lawn uses 6x the hazardous chemicals that a conventional farmer would use per acre of field- yikes!
  • if just 10% of us would go organic, over 1/2 billion pounds of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides would be kept from entering the environment
  • when the lawn is sprayed and your children then go play on that lawn, the neurotoxins enter their bodies - your children are not done developing yet - so this means they could have problems with the development of their brain or nervous system
  • organophosphates (like Diazanon insecticide) work by targeting and disrupting the nervous sytem - our system is not much different...
  • the Journal of National Cancer Institute reported in 1991 that with only one application of a chemical lawn treatment, dogs had a 130% increased risk for lymphoma! just think what that could do to humans!
  • just think what you are bringing into your home on your shoes...what then collects on your carpet...then the whole family lays on the carpet - HOW DISGUSTING!
  • it takes under 45 seconds for whatever is applied on your skin to be carried by the bloodstream and reach every major organ in your body (this would be great to do with your kids - take a slice from a clove of garlic and put it either between your toes or on the bottom of your foot and you will taste the garlic in your mouth, have a breath mint ready!)
  • your pet is also bringing in toxins on their feet to spread throughout the house, or jumping onto and walking on the family'l beds, not to mention what they ingest from licking their paws!
  • the neurotoxins in the lawn chemicals may be contributing to childhood learning disorders
If you are not already using an organic lawn service, give it some thought. Organic lawn services are safe for your children, pets, and are environmentally friendly!

When you know better, you do better.
- Maya Angelou



Anji said...

I'm really enjoying looking at your site.

I don't use any chemicals in my garden. it's not the most tidy one either, but I know that the hedgehogs will eat the slugs and the lady birds/bugs will work for me. I also have toads and lizards. The birds have plenty to eat too!

vitality magnet said... daughter went through a phase where she desparately wanted one for a pet! We don't have them here, we don't have toads and lizards either...we do have skunks though - phew! Glad you don't use chemicals, chemicals is really the norm in this area, organic is a "new" idea. Boo hoo.