Monday, July 16, 2007

Got Juice?

When you are thinking of juice - think live vegetable juice. Fresh, raw juice is alive with nutrients and enzymes that your body can easily use. When you drink your veggies the nutrients reach the cellular level. The reason you want to drink live, raw vegetable juice vs. canned or processed juices is because the canned and processed juice has been pastuerized at high temperatures and all the live enzymes have been destroyed and the juice cannot properly nourish your body. If you are considering the purchase of a juicing machine, opt for the auger type juicer, not the centrifugal spinning type, as it introduces excess oxygen into the juice and promotes oxidation. With some of the auger type juicers, you will also be able to make wheat grass juice, and that would be a plus if you are in need of intense nutrition or healing. Your body is a wonderful machine, give it the nutrition it needs for optimum health and performance!


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