Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Want to see into the future?

This technique can be fun - and it can also be alarming.

Would you like to see what you might look like in 20 years?

1. Think about your eating habits, sleeping habits, drinking, emotional life, your attitude, your exercise level (couch potato?) - you get the picture.

2. Now think about someone you know that mirrors your style of living and is 20 years older than you are right now.

3. Notice their health, skin tone, level of agility/flexibility, cognitive thinking, mental attitude, zest for life...are they always focused on their aches and pains? (you manifest what you focus on) Does their body skin sag...face look like leather...hair completely white?

4. Now, visualize yourself in 20 years - how do you look and feel with your present wellness program? Do you need to make some changes?

This can be a life changing exercise.

Next, the game plan for wellness.


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