Monday, August 20, 2007

Closet Clutter

Did you ever stop to think of the correlation between a closet full of clutter and your cluttered mind? Well, there is a connection. Too much "stuff" can clutter your mind and prevent you from allowing anything new into your life. Hmmm. Who likes being stagnant in their life? Not me! It certainly is not like "out of sight, out of mind" - remember how your subconscious works like a minimized computer window? The clutter behind a closed door might not be in your face, but it's running in your subconscious non-stop. Your mind does have limited space, why would you want to fill it with unnecessary "stuff"? Clean out a closet. Donate, donate, donate, and help others. Journal how good you feel, what thoughts pop up when you are done cleaning your closet? Do you feel better about coming home? Do you feel more motivated? Clean your closets!!! It's a great place to begin.


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