Monday, August 13, 2007


"the state of the mind changes the state of the body by working through the central nervous system, the endocrine system, and the immune system. Peace of mind sends the body a "live" message, while depression, fear, and unresolved conflict give it a "die" message. Thus, all healing is scientific, even if science can't yet explain exactly how the unexpected "miracles" occur."
- excerpt from Love, Medicine and Miracles, by Dr. Bernie Siegel

Stubborn, strong-willed with perseverance, these are all good descriptive words for me. I used to function under the assumption that if my mind was strong enough, my body would follow and be strong also. In no way was I convinced that the cells of my body had ears and listened to my every thought. Since I am one of those recipients of the ball bat method of learning, I have now studied and attended numerous seminars which have enlightened me, and I have changed my ways.

If your mind has been in the gutter, thinking negative thoughts (I'm fat, I'm old, I screwed up, I'm scared...) STOP! Be grateful for everything you have! Make lists of what you are grateful for when you think negative created this habit of can replace that negative habit with a positive one! See the good in others. See the beauty in nature. Take a walk, notice beautiful architecture - or if you live in a newer "villa" like I do - appreciate the carefully groomed lawns and blooming perennials. HA! Above all, begin somewhere - take positive action!


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