Friday, June 29, 2007


Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
- Anatole France have them or or more...well I was at the crossroads of "No more pets!" when my daughter brought her favorite outdoor cat home from her boyfriend's house. This event came about when the brother to that "favorite" cat was hit and killed by a car. My daughter just knew her cat was next. What do you say? Well, during the third week of her living with us, I realized the cat was pregnant. Fast forward...the 4 kittens are now 7 weeks old and I can personally agree with the experts who say -
  • pets reduce stress - yes they do, they are comical, they listen to you without complaining, their energy is always positive
  • pets get you out to exercise - that's if you have a dog...I surely can not take a walk with our cat on a leash!
  • pets actually help reduce blood pressure and their presence works better than drugs!
  • pets help fend off loneliness
  • pets give you unconditional love - no strings attached
  • pets help you make friends (like when you are out walking your dog) , or maybe even a date!
This I know is true...pets surely are not for everyone. But, the benefits definitely outweigh the extra work.


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