Monday, June 25, 2007

Monitor your words!

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
- Mahatma Gandi

Step 2 - Monitor your words.

Every cell in your body has ears. Not only does your body hear your every thought - it hears what you say. EVERY WORD! Become aware of what you say.

Is your customary dialogue like this:
I hope I don't catch that cold...
I don't want...
I'm so fat...
I will never...

STOP IT! Change what you say to:
I am healthy and won't catch that cold...
What I want is...
I know I can...
I will always...

Monitor your words. Do not criticize or hate your body in your thoughts or words. Just think how wonderful your body is...taking you everywhere on your legs...digesting what you eat...coping with all your stress...soldering on when you do not get enough rest...making do with the junk food you eat...taking general abuse on a daily basis. Thank your body out loud. "Thank you body for being there for me - I love every part of you!" Appreciate your body. Treat it like royalty. Your cells communicate minute-by-minute and are worthy and deserving of your deep appreciation.


P.S. Especially when clothing shopping...stop the critical comments and make them positive.

Rather than "I look fat in this outfit"

Say "This doesn't quite fit, I need to search for an outfit that fits my body better."

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