Saturday, June 30, 2007


Joy - 1. a feeling of happiness that comes from success, good fortune, or a sense of well-being 2. a source of happiness

Do you know what brings you joy? Did you once know? Has life come between you and what brings you joy? Take the time to sit down where it is quiet, reconnect to your inner self, and make a list of "What brings me joy." It is so important to know what brings joy to your life in order to lead a well balanced life and not get stuck in an unhealthy "stress" mode. Take action - start your list NOW!


Friday, June 29, 2007


Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
- Anatole France have them or or more...well I was at the crossroads of "No more pets!" when my daughter brought her favorite outdoor cat home from her boyfriend's house. This event came about when the brother to that "favorite" cat was hit and killed by a car. My daughter just knew her cat was next. What do you say? Well, during the third week of her living with us, I realized the cat was pregnant. Fast forward...the 4 kittens are now 7 weeks old and I can personally agree with the experts who say -
  • pets reduce stress - yes they do, they are comical, they listen to you without complaining, their energy is always positive
  • pets get you out to exercise - that's if you have a dog...I surely can not take a walk with our cat on a leash!
  • pets actually help reduce blood pressure and their presence works better than drugs!
  • pets help fend off loneliness
  • pets give you unconditional love - no strings attached
  • pets help you make friends (like when you are out walking your dog) , or maybe even a date!
This I know is true...pets surely are not for everyone. But, the benefits definitely outweigh the extra work.


Thursday, June 28, 2007


A quick look at journaling...have you ever felt you cannot have a complete thought? OR your body is not tired, but your mind is? How will you ever be able to listen to your own intuition and thoughts if your mind is crammed full of "stuff". This "stuff" may be your hopes, dreams, troubled thoughts, worries...whatever. Stop! Take care of your mind! Clear your mind! A great way to clear your mind is to journal your thoughts. Grab a notebook or buy a special journal and a pen of your choice. I just love fine point gel writers - they flow and glide easily, like your thoughts spilling onto the paper. I also feel that I get more benefits from hand writing my journal rather than keeping it on a computer. The convenience is mobility, and when I only have a few minutes in my day, I just grab my journal and write! I've also used my journaling to blow off some steam when feeling emotions of anger, disappointment, sadness, guilt, etc. Also, I have taken a single sheet of paper and written down my rants! Naturally, (I didn't want to say the hurtful rants to the specific person's face) so I shredded the sheet(s) of paper rather than leaving it around to be discovered. Another plus to shredding the paper is that you have the opportunity to witness your feelings being disposed of. A small weight lifted off of your shoulders. I know that personally I certainly felt much better for having gotten those feelings out with this method. The benefit: you now have mental room to experience more of life! How can you have more if your mind is cluttered with old "stuff". Remember, like Meg Ryan says in the movie French Kiss, "...fester, fester, fester, rot, rot, rot..." not good!


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Just Say NO

It doesn't matter how old you are or where you live - - - we have all had that moment with ourselves..."Why did I say yes" to that project or whatever it is that overloads our schedule. There are only so many hours in the day, and we are equipped with the ability to make healthy decisions. Practice the following ways of saying "NO", so if you need one of these phrases, you are ready!

  • I'd love to help, but I have another committment
  • I can't, but I would be glad to help out with another task
  • I wish I could help, I'm sure you will do a great job on your own
  • I am not comfortable with that
  • I am sorry but I have had some things come up that I need to deal with first
  • Thanks for asking me, but I am not the most qualified person for the job
  • I can't right now, but I would be glad to do it later
  • I wish I could help you, but I don't have any experience with that
  • I am not taking on any new projects
  • I can't right now, I just don't have any room on my calendar
  • I am focusing more on my personal/career/family right now
  • NO.
Practice, practice!


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Love or Fear?

Fear is only as deep as the mind allows.
- Japanese proverb

Ponder this. Our actions are motivated by either love or fear. Love is fantastic, but let's focus on fear. Fear can freeze our dreams and delay goals. You know, not that fear with real physical danger involved...I mean the imagined fear of doing a task outside your comfort zone. I want to encourage you to just plow ahead and do it! You will learn and grow from your experience.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live.
- Dorothy Thompson


Monday, June 25, 2007

Monitor your words!

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
- Mahatma Gandi

Step 2 - Monitor your words.

Every cell in your body has ears. Not only does your body hear your every thought - it hears what you say. EVERY WORD! Become aware of what you say.

Is your customary dialogue like this:
I hope I don't catch that cold...
I don't want...
I'm so fat...
I will never...

STOP IT! Change what you say to:
I am healthy and won't catch that cold...
What I want is...
I know I can...
I will always...

Monitor your words. Do not criticize or hate your body in your thoughts or words. Just think how wonderful your body is...taking you everywhere on your legs...digesting what you eat...coping with all your stress...soldering on when you do not get enough rest...making do with the junk food you eat...taking general abuse on a daily basis. Thank your body out loud. "Thank you body for being there for me - I love every part of you!" Appreciate your body. Treat it like royalty. Your cells communicate minute-by-minute and are worthy and deserving of your deep appreciation.


P.S. Especially when clothing shopping...stop the critical comments and make them positive.

Rather than "I look fat in this outfit"

Say "This doesn't quite fit, I need to search for an outfit that fits my body better."

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Eat Organic!

Eating as much organic food as possible equals a higher level of nutrition received and reduces the burden on your body, especially your liver, to detoxify all the possible additives, preservatives and toxins you are most likely consuming. Eating healthy means making better choices, not deprevation or denial. Even those mid-afternoon cravings for something chocolate, well...make it healthy...know the ingredients! Other healthy snacks will be addressed later, but today I am sharing a chocolate frosted brownie recipe that freezes soooooo well. Bake the recipe and freeze the remainder in individual servings for lunches, afternoon snacks, or simply pull a brownie out of the freezer - warm it up and put a small scoop of vanilla ice cream on top, - purely divine! So plan your snacks so you are not at the vending machine grabbing just anything. Know what you are eating, know what your kids are eating. You will feel better for it!

Chocolate Frosted Brownies

2 cups organic all purpose flour
2 cups organic granulated sugar
1 cup organic butter
1 cup strong brewed coffee or water
1/4 cup dark, unsweetened organic cocoa
1/2 cup organic buttermilk*
2 organic eggs
1 t. baking soda
1 t. organic pure vanilla extract

1/2 cup organic butter
2 T. organic dark cocoa
1/4 cup organic milk
3 1/2 cups organic unsifted powdered sugar
1 t. organic pure vanilla extract

  • Mix the flour and sugar in a large bowl.
  • In a heavy saucepan, mix butter, coffee or water, and cocoa. Stir and heat to boiling.
  • Pour the boiling mixture over the flour and sugar in the mixing bowl. Then add the buttermilk, eggs, baking soda and vanilla.
  • Mix well with a wooden spoon or a mixer on high speed.
  • Pour into a well buttered 17 x11 inch jelly roll pan.
  • Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes or until the center of the brownies tests done with a toothpick.
  • Prepare the frosting while the brownies bake. Combine the butter, cocoa and milk in a saucepan and heat to boiling, stirring often.
  • Add the powdered sugar and vanilla. Mix until the frosting is smooth.
  • Pour warm frosting over the browinies as soon as you take them out of the oven. Cool.
  • Cut into bars, enjoy and freeze the rest!
*No buttermilk? Add 2 t. either vinegar or lemon juice into the 1/2 cup of milk. Let sit for a couple of minutes and it's ready!

I know these brownies are a family favorite at my house. Let me know how you and your family like this recipe!


Saturday, June 23, 2007

Montessori teacher says - Think Green!!!

Cloth Napkins...

Reduce disposables. When you throw things "away" - where is "AWAY"? The landfill! What are we teaching the next generation? Nothing good for the environment!!! Here is a great project. Cloth napkins to make with your kids, grandkids, teenagers, or for yourself. Use these napkins at home and pack one daily in your lunch box for work. Check out what the fabric store has to offer. Make napkins for each holiday, or choose special caracters on the fabric for the kids. These are great for gifts too!

  • Fabric - cotton
  • Thread in a coordinating or contrasting color OR if sewing by hand with a running stitch, use embroidery floss (if using floss, you decide how many strands, 2-4, to use based on the fabric and effect you want to create)
  • Poster board to cut the desired napkin size for easy tracing (cut pattern 1" larger than finished napkin size)
Get started!
  1. Prewash fabric, dry
  2. Press fabric (much easier to mark and cut)
  3. Cut poster board pattern (make pattern 1" larger to allow for hem, 12" finished napkin size = 13" pattern square)
  4. Trace napkins on fabric
  5. Cut out napkins
  6. Press hem under 1/4" on all sides
  7. Press that edge under again
  8. Top stitch the hem into place - either machine stitch or hand stitch
  9. Enjoy!
  • Christmas napkins - make 4 green and 4 red
  • Great housewarming gifts, teacher gifts, wedding gifts, extended family favors
  • Sewing increases manual dexterity
  • This sewing project fosters creativity and curiosity, which spills over into all learning areas
Think Green! This week, notice how you could reduce disposables and recycle.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

You create your life!

"If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right."
- Henry Ford

Life isn't create your life! The object is to change your mind in a positive way and you will change your life. It is that simple. We become entrenched in the idea that life must be a struggle, things just happen to us, well - I'm here to tell you that you have the power to create what you want by changing the way you think to get the results you want. Remember:

"ah ha" moments = change = personal growth (and that's good!)

Who wants to be trapped in time? Not me!

Step 1 - Positive thoughts and images.

Whether you want to lose weight or have an illness, THINK POSITIVE! When you have a negative thought about yourself (or anyone else!) STOP and choose again to change it into a positive thought. Thoughts are things. Thoughts become things. Thoughts attract things. (Example: like the same type of guys that are attracted to you. Ugh! Change your mind and you will attract a different type of guy!) So for the person wanting to lose weight, the thought shift would be - I am healthy, fit, and slim. For the person with an illness, the thought shift would be - I am healthy, vibrant and energized. Focus on the positive, for what we think about most is what we manifest.
