Sunday, September 16, 2007


What are setbacks? They are proof you are moving forward, learning, growing...not standing still and stagnant in your life. If you make mistakes - so what! At least now you know that approach doesn't work. Have the ATTITUDE that keeps you going positively into the future - more mistakes, more forward progress toward your goal.

Picture this: you are sitting in your stopped car with the engine you want to turn your car to the right or easy is that? Difficult. Now picture yourself in your car rolling forward slowly and trying to turn your car to the right or it is easy.

Parallel this to your life. In order to change directions in life you better be moving, that is participating in life and making occasional mistakes. Don't let fear paralyze you to the point you can't move toward your dreams and goals. Go for it!!! If you make a mistake, just choose again and keep going!


1 comment:

riniroo said...

Thanks for the car analogy. Just realized that's exactly what I've been working on doing...just keep moving forward. I heard you had a great (too short) time with Rach. She REALLY enjoyed it. Didn't want to leave.
I love you!!!!